P.D.O. Strachitunt cheese

P.D.O. Strachitunt cheese


Strachitunt is a raw milk blue cheese belonging to the stracchini family, with which it shares its origins and tradition.

The rind is thin and wrinkled. The paste is compact, marbled, softer under the rind and straw-yellow in color with streaks. The aroma is characteristic of blue cheeses, with slightly lactic notes at first, then dominated by metallic notes. The flavor is aromatic and intense, varying from sweet to spicy depending on the degree of maturation, fragrant and melting with a pleasant vegetal aftertaste

Curiosity: The molds, or blue veining, in Strachítunt, responsible for the cheese's spiciness, are never standard and uniform and can vary from shape to shape. This characteristic, which to the uninitiated may appear to be a defect, is due to the naturalness of the manufacturing process, which does not include any addition of penicillum, responsible for the formation of mold in other famous blue cheeses such as gorgonzola, and to the manual piercing process that is performed during the maturing process. Strachitunt, which in dialect means "round stracchino", is a cheese that belongs to the stracchini family. It is produced exclusively in Val Taleggio, in the municipalities of Taleggio, Vedeseta, Gerosa and Blello, in the province of Bergamo.

Raw milk cheeses are the absolute excellence of the dairy world. In this case, the milk is not filtered and is not heat-treated. Raw milk cheeses are therefore extremely rich in vitamins (especially A, C and D) and proteins. Easy to digest and rich in nutritional properties. Furthermore, in terms of organoleptic properties, they are much tastier and particularly aromatic.

The consumption of "raw milk" cheeses by preschool children, pregnant women, the elderly and immunocompromised people should be avoided.

Data sheet

Production italian region
Type of milk
Cow milk
Certification type
Other features
Blue cheeses

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