"Toma del lait brusc" cheese

Toma del lait brusc


Toma del Lait Brusc or Bianca Alpina is a raw cow's milk cheese, partially skimmed, medium-long aged, with a cylindrical shape.

The rind is smooth or slightly irregular, grey or slightly orange in colour, tending to become more intense as the cheese ages. The paste is compact, chalky and crumbly, without holes, with a colour that varies from ivory white to slightly straw-yellow. With the extension of the ageing process, the cheese can acquire the typical and prized blue veining that must develop "naturally" and not with the help of "drilling" the forms during the ageing process. It has a pleasant flavour, with a more or less intense acidity depending on the ageing process. It can highlight spicy notes.

Curiosity: Toma del Lait Brusc was born from the need not to waste milk that, with the summer heat and the lack of refrigerators, became acidic (the term “brusc” means acid) during the night following the evening milking. The milk used to prepare this cheese therefore curdles in the total or partial absence of rennet, depending on whether it is prepared with acidic milk from a single milking, or mixed with non-acidic milk from the following milking.

Data sheet

Production italian region
Certification type
P.A.T. - traditional Italian agri-food products

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