Piave D.O.P. mezzano


Piave is a hard, cooked P.D.O. cheese produced in the province of Belluno only with high-quality raw materials. It is distinguished by its flavor: sweet and intense, never spicy, with a full aroma reminiscent of Alpine herbs and flowers.

The shape, due to the advancing maturation, has a hard crust. Piave D.O.P. Mezzano presents lactic scents to the nose that recall melted butter and whey. In the mouth, the flavor is characterized by a balance between sweet and salty, while the perceived aromas substantially reflect the smells, even if the bouquet is enriched with a delicate toasted note.

P.D.O. Piave mezzano cheese

INGREDIENTS: MILK, salt, rennet

Fun fact: the production of Piave D.O.P. cheese has been handed down from generation to generation in the Belluno area and its origins date back to the end of the 19th century with the foundation of the first mountain dairies in Italy.

The milk used for the production of Piave D.O.P. cheese comes exclusively from the province of Belluno and is produced, at least 80%, from cattle breeds typical of the production area: the Italian Brown, the Alpine Grey, the Italian Red Pied and the Italian Frisona.

Uses and pairings: it pairs well with delicately flavoured honeys and sweet and light jams such as Tropea red onion jam. It pairs pleasantly with medium-bodied and fruity reds such as Cabernet Sauvignon D.O.C.

Data sheet

Production italian region
Type of milk
Cow milk

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